Saturday, October 8, 2011

Some Very Exciting News

We're pregnant!  We are super excited and I'm already tired! Haha!  I know that I have been a bad blogger again lately with such sporatic posts, but I am learning to say no to certain things and will be back blogging regularly very soon.  The baby's due date is around June 20, 2012 so I am very early prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy would be greatly appreciated! Love you all and thank you for sharing in this with me!


  1. CONGRATS and we are sending you all the prayers -- good thoughts -- hugs and even crossed fingers and paws that you have a safe! healthy! heart warming! healthy! pregnancy!!!! now that picture above is probably one of the most precious things i have ever seen! LOVE IT!!!! wishing you and yours all the best that life has to offer!!!! : ) hugs...andrea -- family and doxies (heaven and earth)

  2. Congratulations! Not sure if Big sister looks excited or if she has already taken on the Big sister roll ;)

    Sending good thought and prayers your way!

  3. Oh a BIG congratulations to you and your family...And what an adorable little picture...Looking forward to seeing your pregnancy progress....Have a blessed SONday and I will pray for a healthy and BLISSFUL pregnancy..
